St Joseph's School is a vibrant Catholic school that is open to all.
The pupils, teachers, parents, personnel and administrators all share and are committed to this vision.
The teachers and personnel strive to:
- provide a quality education, close to the pupils’ needs.
- foster an environment of mutual trust and respect between teachers, parents, and pupils.
- take part in a group while building one’s own character and personality.
- widen the child’s vision, and offer alternatives to violence and aggressive behaviour.
- learn to live in harmony and to accept differences.
reinforce the school dynamic.
- develop strong points, and practice positive evaluation.
This is achieved through:
- frequent meetings and daily interaction between teachers.
- meetings between parents and teachers, who are generally available for discussion before or after classes.

École St Joseph
170 rue Grand Dufay
38660 LUMBIN
tél / fax: 04 76 08 27 01